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Communication and our body


Our greatest ally for clear communication is our body​

We all know that communication and our body are inextricably linked. From our body reacting to the way another speaks to us, to how it receives the content expressed, our body is constantly processing information, not just our brain.

What is happening to our body when we hold back and don’t speak up or harden to protect ourselves in situations of possible conflict? And how would it be if we brought a deeper awareness to our body in these situations that so far have left us feeling shortchanged in the expression department?

In our work we explore how communication to and around us may have shaped the way we communicate and how our body can be impacted by communication. The sessions include discussion and gentle connective tissue exercises to support us to become more aware of the most powerful asset we have in communication – our body.

5 Week online course to explore the common reasons we don’t speak up and how that can affect the body.
Live sessions – 60 minutes

Recordings available for 7 days


European Group

Wednesdays 28th August, 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th September                  7pm GMT, 8pm European time


Australia Group

Mondays 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th September                                       5.30pm NSW AEST

UK/Europe option to join as well

Mondays 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th September                                       7pm GMT, 8pm European time

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